Gods unchained market cap
Gods unchained market cap

However, on Nov 23, 2021, GODS' recent price is about $7.52, which is higher than the all-time low, which happened on Nov 03, 2021. The market cap is $116,819,877.11 and ranks #439 in market cap rankings. According to our data, GODS has a trading volume of $13,056,731.66. Market cap is among the most critical financial factors to be considered. Also, its Reddit followers went up by 15%. Gods Unchained's popularity on Twitter saw growth over the last five months, With a 19% increase. It underperformed in the crypto market which had 27006% growth over the past year. Talking about Gods Unchained's Return On Investment (ROI), although GODS (9% ROI) over the last week, underperformed in 'Play To Earn, Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT), Gaming' categories which had 5403% growth over the past year. One of the most important details is the financial aspects that we will delve deeper into in the following section. FINANCIAL ANALYSISīefore choosing a project to invest in, we all need to take the details of the project into account. They are looking to release a mobile version of the sport, allowing more players worldwide. They need to do a superb job of promoting the sport and community with ranked tournaments and events. The game has been rising in popularity quickly, with more sales and players monthly. Players might sell and buy their cards through the game's marketplace to make a deck that will win more matches – gaining more cards as they win. The Gods Unchained in-game currency is their actual money. Gods Unchained works like other online strategy games, with their currency version like "gold" or "credits." However, these currencies take players' paper money and convert it to a more pleasing in-game environment.

gods unchained market cap gods unchained market cap

Win, and have your victory recorded on the blockchain for eternity. In addition, the Blessing of the GODS program will begin on 2nd November 2021, during which players can earn GODS tokens by completing weekly challenges and winning matches. As playing the sport and winning battles, you may be rewarded with in-game items within the sort of NFTs, which you will be able to sell for cash or other cryptocurrencies. HOW PLAY TO EARN MONEY IN GODS UNCHAINED?Įarn money by playing God's Unchained. Most significantly, the GODS token is an integral part of the play-to-earn concept of the sport, providing players with more ways to earn within the game and incentives. Players also can use the token to rare mint cards through NFT crafting at the Forge. The token will behave as a governance token, so members are ready to decide the event director of the sport. GODS token is that the currency employed in the blockchain-based online game named Gods Unchained. In Gods Unchained, players can completely own their digital items, giving them the liberty to trade, sell, and use their cards within or beyond the sport – a bit like owning real, tangible cards. Led by Chris Clay, the previous game director of Magic: The Gathering Arena, the sport focuses on competitive play, which suggests players must strategically outsmart their opponents by building decks that will combat a good tactics style. Gods Unchained is a free-to-play card game where players compete in epic duels using fantasy cards. HOW HAS Gods Unchained (GODS) BECOME WHAT IT IS? The amount of transactions is 16,098 when writing this post. The number of wallets created for the GODS is about 2,593. SIMILAR COINSĪmong all cryptocurrency projects, the major similar projects to Gods Unchained are Axie Infinity, Sandbox, and Enjin Coin.

gods unchained market cap

You can find others listed on the CoinMarketCap crypto exchanges page.

gods unchained market cap

The top exchanges for trading in God's Unchainedare currently OKEx, FTX, BitMart.

Gods unchained market cap